&hint1=I am a portrait from 1800& &hint2=I recline on a chaise longue copied from Roman aristocratic homes& &hint3=I am represented with a simple hairstyle and plain costume by my neoclassical painter& &hint4=I am a portrait of the most celebrated woman in 18th century Parisian society& &choices=The Departure of Regulus from Rome;Exterior view of Jacques-Germain Soufflot's Pantheon;George Washington (Vaughan-Sinclair Portrait);Madame Juliette Recamier;The Death of General Joseph Warren;George Washington (Lansdowne Portrait)& &answer=Madame Juliette Recamier& &search=David Recamier& &title=Madame Juliette Recamier& &artist=Jacques-Louis David& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1800& &location=Musee du Louvre, Paris& &dimensions=5'8" x 7'8"&